domingo, julio 31, 2011
La Libertad Debe Reinar
sábado, julio 16, 2011
Keynesian Theory is Not Economic
Russ Roberts wrote an interesting article [keynes vs reality-2] where he discusses some of the wrong predictions of Samuelson. Samuelson was wrong in his forecast for the economic post-war effects because he tried to predict economic events using a wrong theory: Keynesian theory. I doubt that exist a so absurd theory as Keynesian one. It is a theory full of superficialities, falsehoods, tautologies, and contradictions. But this theory is the mantra that all interventionists use to enforce their social excesses. I leave here the comment I added to this note published by Roberts.
"I have repeated several times, here in Cafe, that the Keynesian problem is not an economic problem. Mankind has trouble to meet their needs for goods, all of which are scarce, forcing its members to maintain a constant battle against a shortage, so that prosperity expresses small advances in that battle. A theory of this problem is an economic theory. But Keynes did not theorizes about this problem. Keynes, and their fanatical followers, says that the obstacle to overcome is not scarcity but 'abundance' because the goods are here but men can not afford them. Then for Keynes the problem is solved if men have the means to acquire these goods. Clearly, Keynes’s theory is 'not' an economic theory. Or, as Roberts says, the Keynesian statement is tautological... This fact should limit the debate between Keynesian and Austrian, because their theories are theories of two different problems and therefore they are not consistently comparable…".
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martes, julio 12, 2011
El Hombre y sus Derechos
El Gran Bastiat dijo: “...La existencia, la libertad, y la propiedad definen la vida de un ser humano. Eso es precisamente la vida en sí...”. La existencia consiste en el pleno despliegue de su personalidad, la libertad consiste en el pleno ejercicio de sus facultades, y la propiedad consiste en la plena disposición de sus bienes. El hombre viene al mundo con estas tres cosas que conforman sus derechos fundamentales, y que él debe preservar y cultivar. Una sociedad puede prosperar sólo si sus miembros son lo suficientemente inteligentes como para prevenir daños sobre estos derechos.
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